Chart Book / ETFs

This is not a complete list. If we missed one or made a mistake, let us know.

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Indexes (US & World)
Dow Jones

$INDU Dow 30 Industrials
$DJA Dow Composite


$OEX S&P 100 Large Caps
$MID S&P 400 Mid Caps
$SPX S&P 500 Large Caps
$SML S&P 600 Small Caps


$NDX NASDAQ 100 Large Caps


$RUI Russell 1000 Large Caps
$RUT Russell 2000 Small Caps
$RUA Russell 3000




$XAX AMEX Composite
$WLSH Wilshre 5000 Composite

$DJW Dow World


$MERV Argentina
$BVSP Brazil
$TSX Canada
$CLDOW Chile
$MXDOW Mexico (Dow version)

Europe, Afric, Middle East

$EUR Euro Top 100
$ATX Austria
$BEDOW Belgium (Dow version)
$KFX Denmark
$GBDOW London Financial Times (Dow version)
$FIDOW Finland (Dow version)
$DAX Germany
$ATG Greece
$ITDOW Italy (Dow version)
$AEX Netherlands
$NODOW Norway (Dow version)
$PSI Portugal
$SEDOW Sweden (Dow version)
$SMSI Spain
$CHDOW Switzerland (Dow version)


$AORD Australia
$CZH China
$SSEC China
$HSI Hong Kong
$BSE India (Bombay)
$IDDOW Indonesia (Dow version)
$NIKK Japan (Tokyo)
$MYDOW Malaysia (Dow version)
$NZDOW New Zealand (Dow version)
$STI Singapore
$KOSPI South Korea (Seoul)

Index ETFs (US & World)

Dow Jones

DIA Dow long
DOG Dow short
DDM Dow 2x long
DXD Dow 2x short
UDOW Dow 3x long
SDOW Dow 3x short


ONEQ Nasdaq
QQQ Nasdaq 100 long
PSQ Nasdaq 100 short
QLD Nasdaq 100 2x long
QID Nasdaq 100 2x short
TQQQ Nasdaq 100 3x long
SQQQ Nasdaq 100 3x short


OEF S&P 100
SPMD S&P mid caps
IJH S&P 400
MDY S&P 400
MVV S&P 400 2x long
MZZ S&P 400 2x short
UMDD S&P 400 3x long
SMDD S&P 400 3x short
MIDU S&P 400 3x long
MIDZ S&P 400 3x short
IJK S&P 400 growth
MYY S&P 400 short
IJJ S&P 400 value
IVV S&P 500
SPY S&P 500
SH S&P 500 short
SPUU S&P 500 2x long
SPDN S&P 500 short
SSO S&P 500 2x long
SDS S&P 500 2x short
UPRO S&P 500 3x long
SPXU S&P 500 3x short
SPXL S&P 500 3x long
SPXS S&P 500 3x short
IVE S&P 500 value
SPYV S&P 500 value
IVW S&P 500 growth
SPYG S&P 500 growth
SPHB S&P 500 High Beta
SPLV S&P 500 Low Volatility
SPYD S&P 500 High Dividend
IJR S&P 600
SDD S&P 600 2x short
IJT S&P 600 growth
IJS S&P 600 value


SPLG Russell 1000
IWB Russell 1000
IWF Russell 1000 growth
SFK Russell 1000 growth 2x short
IWD Russell 1000 value
SJF Russell 1000 value 2x short
IWM Russell 2000
SPSM Russell 2000
RWM Russell 2000 short
UWM Russell 2000 2x long
TWM Russell 2000 2x short
URTY Russell 2000 3x long
SRTY Russell 2000 3x short
IWO Russell 2000 growth
SKK Russell 2000 growth 2x short
IWN Russell 2000 value
SJH Russell 2000 value 2x short
SPTM Russell 3000
IWV Russell 3000
IWZ Russell 3000 growth
IWW Russell 3000 value
IWC Russell Microcap
IWR Russell Mid Cap
IWP Russell Mid Cap growth
SDK Russell Mid Cap growth 2x short
IWS Russell Mid Cap value
SJL Russell Mid Cap value 2x short


VV Vanguard Large Cap
PWB Large Cap, dynamic
VO Vanguard Mid Cap
VOE Vanguard Mid Cap value
PWJ Mid Cap, dynamic
VB Vanguard Small Cap
VBK Vanguard Small Cap growth
VBR Vanguard Small Cap value
TNA Small Cap 3x long
TZA Small Cap 3x short
DVY Dow Dividend
SDY S&P Dividend
VUG Vanguard Growth
VTV Vanguard Value
RSP S&P Equal Weight
VTI Vanguard Total Market
VIG Vanguard Dividend
GTAA Global Tactical
PFF Preferred Stock
PGX Preferred Portfolio
PGF Preferred Stock, financials
PIM Intermediate Income

ARGT Argentina
EWA Australia
EWO Austria
EWK Belgium
EWZ Brazil
BRZU Brazil 3x long
EWC Canada
ECH Chile
PGJ China
FXI China
GXC China
CHN China
CHIQ China Consumer
CHIE China Energy
CHIM China Materials
FXP China 25 2x short
CHAU China A Share 2x long
CHAD China A Share short
CWEB China Internet 2x long
HAO China small cap
YINN China 3x long
YANG China 3x short
GXG Colombia
EGPT Egypt
EURL European Financials 2x long
EWQ France
EWG Germany
GREK Greece
EWH Hong Kong
INDA India
INDY India 50
IFN India
PIN India
INDL India 3x long
EPI India, earnings
SCIF India Small Cap
IDX Indonesia
EIDO Indonesia
EIRL Ireland
EIS Israel
EWI Italy
EWJ Japan
EWV Japan 2x short
JOF Japan Small Cap
EWM Malaysia
EWW Mexico
MEXX Mexico 3x long
EWN Netherlands
NGE Nigeria
NORW Norway
ENZL New Zealand
EPHE Philippines
EPU Peru
PLND Poland
PGAL Portugal
QAT Qatar
RSX Russia
ERUS Russia
RUSL Russia 3x long
RUSS Russia 3x short
KSA Saudi Arabia
EWS Singapore
EZA South Africa
EWY South Korea
KORU South Korea 3x long
EWP Spain
EWD Sweden
EWL Switzerland
EWT Taiwan
THD Thailand
TUR Turkey
EWU United Kingdom
VNM Vietnam


AAXJ Asia ex Japan
DZK Developed Markets 3x long
DPK Developed Markets 3x short
VWO Emerging Markets
EEM Emerging Markets
SPEM S&P Emerging Markets
EEV Emerging Markets 2x short
EDC Emerging Markets 3x long
EDZ Emerging Markets 3x short
ADRE Emerging Markets 50 ADR
EUM Emerging Markets short
VGK Europe
EURL Europe 3X long
EUXL Europe 3x long
HEDJ Europe, Hedged
IEV Europe 350
VEA Europe Pacific
VEU All World ex-US
PID International Dividend Achievers
GWX Internaitional Small Caps
ILF Latin American 40
LBJ Latin American 3x long
VPL Pacific
EPP Pacific ex-Japan
IOO S&P Global 100
SPDW S&P World, ex-US





$DJUSAS Aerospace
$DJUSAE Aerospace & Defense
$DJUSAR Airlines
$POW Alternative Energy
$DJUSAL Aluminum
$DJUSAG Asset Managers
$DJUSAP Automobiles & Auto Parts
$DJUSAT Auto Parts
$DJUSAU Automobiles
$DJUSBM Basic Materials
$DJUSBS Basic Resources
$DJUSBV Beverages
$DJUSBT Biotechnology
$DJUSDB Brewers
$DJUSBC Broadcasting & Entertainment
$DJUSBD Building Materials & Fixtures
$DJUSIV Business Support Services
$DJUSBE Business Training & Employment
$DJUSCH Chemicals
$DJUSCC Chemicals, Commodity
$DJUSCX Chemicals, Specialty
$DJUSCF Clothing & Accessories
$DJUSHR Commercial Vehicles & Trucks
$CRB Commodities
$DJUSCR Computer Hardware
$DJUSDV Computer Services
$DJUSCN Construction & Materials
$DJUSCE Consumer Electronics
$DJUSSF Consumer Finance
$DJUSNC Consumer Goods
$DJUSCY Consumer Services
$DJUSCP Containers & Packaging
$DJUSVE Conventional Electricity
$DJUSDN Defense
$DJUSAF Delivery Services
$DJUSVN Distillers & Vintners
$DJUSID Diversified Industrials
$DJUSEC Electric Components & Equipment
$DJUSAI Electronic Equipment
$DJUSEE Electronic & Electrical Equipment
$DJUSOE Electronic Office Equipment
$DJUSOS Exploration & Production
$DJUSFN Financials
$DJUSFA Financial Administration
$DJUSSP Finance, Specialty
$DJUSFI Financial Services
$DJUSFV Financial Services Composite
$DJUSFC Fixed Line Communications
$DJUSFB Food & Beverage
$DJUSFO Food Producers
$DJUSFP Food Products
$DJUSFD Food Retailers & Wholesalers
$DJUSFT Footwear
$DJUSFH Furnishings
$DJUSCA Gambling
$DJUSGF General Financial
$DJUSPM Gold Mining
$DJUSHC Health Care
$DJUSMC Health Care Equipment & Services
$DJUSHP Health Care Providers
$DJUSHV Heavy Construction
$DJUSHB Home Construction
$DJUSHI Home Improvement Retailers
$DJUSLG Hotels
$DJUSHG Household Goods
$DJUSHD Household Products, Durable
$DJUSHN Household Products, Non-Durable
$DJUSIQ Industrial Engineering
$DJUSIG Industrial Goods & Services
$DJUSFE Industrial Machinery
$DJUSIM Industrial Metals
$DJUSDS Industrial Suppliers
$DJUSIT Industrial Transportation
$DJUSIN Industrials
$DJUSGI Industrials, General
$DJUSIB Insurance Brokers
$DJUSIR Insurance
$DJUSIF Insurance, Full Line

$DJUSIL Insurance, Life
$DJUSIX Insurance, Nonlife
$DJUSIP Insurance, Property/Casualty
$DJUSIU Reinsurance
$DJUSNS Internet
$DJUSSB Investment Services
$DJUSMT Marine Transportation
$DJUSAV Media Agencies
$DJUSAM Medical Equipment
$DJUSMS Medical Supplies
$DJUSMG Mining
$DJUSWC Mobile Communications
$DJUSMF Mortgage Finance
$DJUSNF Nonferrous Metals
$DJUSEN Oil & Gas
$DJUSOL Oil & Gas, Integrated
$DJUSOG Oil & Gas Producers
$DJUSOI Oil Equipment & Services
$DJUSOQ Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution
$DJUSFR Forestry & Paper
$DJUSPG Personal Goods
$DJUSCM Personal Products
$DJUSNG Personal & Household Goods
$DJUSPR Pharmaceuticals
$DJUSPN Pharmaceutical & Biotech
$DJUSPL Pipelines
$DJUSPT Platinum & Precious Metals
$DJUSPB Publishing Index
$DJUSRR Railroad
$DJUSRE Real Estate
$DJUSEH Real Estate Holding & Development
$DJUSRH Real Estate Holding & Development
$DJUSES Real Estate Services
$DJUSRP Recreational Products
$DJUSRQ Recreational Services
$DJUSHL REIT - Hotels & Lodging
$DJUSDT REIT - Diversified
$DJUSIO REIT - Industrial & Office
$DJUSMR REIT - Mortgage
$DJUSRN REIT - Residential
$DJUSSR REIT - Specialty
$DWCREE Renewable Energy Equipment
$DJUSRU Restaurants & Bars
$DJUSRT Retail
$DJUSRA Retailers, Apparel
$DJUSRB Retailers, Broadline
$DJUSRD Retailers, Drug
$DJUSDR Retailers, Food & Drug
$DJUSGT Retailers, General
$DJUSRS Retailers, Specialty
$DJUSSC Semiconductors
$DJUSSD Soft Drinks
$DJUSSW Software
$DJUSSV Software & Computer Services
$DJUSCS Specialized Consumer Services
$DJUSIS Support Services
$DJUSTC Technology
$DJUSCT Telecom Equipment
$DJUSTQ Technology Hardware & Equipment
$DJUSTL Telecom
$DJUSTB Tobacco
$DJUSTS Transportation Services
$DJUSCG Travel & Leisure
$DJUSTT Travel & Tourism
$DJUSLE Leisure Goods
$DJUSTK Trucking
$DJUSUT Utilities
$DJUSMU Multiutilities
$DJUSEU Utilities, Electric
$DJUSGU Utilities, Gas
$DJUSUO Gas, Water & Multiutilities
$DJUSPC Waste & Disposal Services
$DJUSPC Waste & Disposal Services

Sector ETFs

PRNT 3D Printing
PPA Aerospace & Defense
XAR Aerospace & Defense
DFEN Defense 3x long
MOO Agribusiness
DBA Agriculture
JJA Agriculture
DAG Agriculture 2x long
AGA Agriculture 2x short
GEX Alternative Energy, Global
ARKQ ARK - Autonomous Tech Robotics
KBE Banks
KRE Banks, Regional
RKH Banks, Regional
IAT Banks, Regional
DPST Banks, Regional 3X long
WDRW Banks, Regional 3x short
XBI Biotech
IBB Biotech
BBH Biotech
BIB Nasdaq Biotech 2x long
BIS Nasdaq Biotech 2x short
LABU S&P Biotech 3x long
LABD S&P Biotech 3x short
BDH Broadband
BDCL Business Development 2x long
KCE Capital Markets
HMLSF Cannabis
MJ Cannabis
BJK Casinos
PBW Clean Energy
SKYY Cloud Computing
TAWK Communication Services 3x long
MUTE Communication Services 3x short
IYC Consumer Services
XLY Consumer Discretionary
WANT Consumer Discretionary 3x long
PASS Consumer Discretionary 3x short
SZK Consumer Goods 2x short
SCC Consumer Services 2x short
XLP Consumer Staples
GBTC Crypto - Bitcoin
ETHE Crypto - Ethereum
HACK Cyber Security
IAI Broker Dealers
VFH Financials
XLF Financials
IYF Financials
UYG Financials 2x long
SKF Financials 2x short
FAS Financials 3x long
FAZ Financials 3x short
IYG Financial Services
ARKF ARK - Fintech
PBJ Food & Beverage
ARKG ARK - Genomics
XLV Healthcare
RXD Healthcare 2x short
CURE Healthcare 3x long
IHF Healthcare Providers
XHS Healthcare Services
XHE Healthcare Equipment
XHB Home Builders
ITB Home Builders
NAIL Home Builders & Supplies 3x long

HIBL High Beta 3x long
HIBS High Beta 3x short
XLI Industrials
DUSL Industrials 3x long
SIJ Industrials 2x short
VGT Information Technology
IXN Information Technology, global
ARKK ARK - Innovation
KIE Insurance
FDN Internet
WEBL Internet 3x long
WEBS Internet 3x short
IZRL Israel Innovation Tech
PBS Media
IGN Networking
ARKW ARK - Next Generation Internet
IHE Pharmaceuticals
PPH Pharmaceuticals
PILL Pharmaceuticals 3x long
RWX Real Estate
IYR Real Estate
XLRE Real Estate
URE Real Estate 2x long
SRS Real Estate 2x short
DRN Real Estate 3x long
DRV Real Estate 3x short
ICF Realty
XRT Retail
RTH Retail
RETL Retail 3x long
SMH Semiconductors
XSD Semiconductors
USD Semiconductors 2x long
SSG Semiconductors 2x short
SOXL Semiconductors 3x long
SOXS Semiconductors 3x short
SEA Shipping
SOCL Social Media
IGV Software
XSW Software
TAN Solar Energy
ARKX ARK - Space
IYW Technology
XLK Technology
IGM Technology
ROM Technology 2x long
REW Technology 2x short
TECL Technology 3x long
TECS Technology 3x short
UBOT Robotics, AI & Automation 3x long
TTH Telecom
IYZ Telecom
IYT Transports
XTN Transports
TPOR Transports 3x long
UTH Utilities
XLU Utilities
UTSL Utilities 3x long
JXI Utilities, global
SDP Utilities 2x short
FAN Wind Energy


$GKX Agriculture
$COFFEE Coffee
$BCOMKC Coffee (Bloomberg)
$COCOA Cocoa
$BCOMCC Cocoa (Bloomberg)
$COPPER Copper
$CORN Corn
$BCOMCN Corn (Bloomberg)
$COTTON Cotton
$BCOMCT Cotton (Bloomberg)
$BCOMLH Lean Hogs
$BCOMLC Live Cattle
$GVX Livestock
$LUMBER Lumber
$SOYB Soybeans
$BCOMSY Soybeans (Bloomberg)
$SUGAR Sugar
$BCOMSB Sugar (Bloomberg)
$WHEAT Wheat
$BCOMWH Wheat (Bloomberg)

$GOLD Gold
$GYX Industrial Metals
$PALL Palladium
$PLAT Platinum
$GPX Precious Metals
$SILVER Silver
$BRENT Crude Oil (Brent)
$WTIC Crude Oil (West Texas)
$GJX Energy
$HOIL Heating Oil (West Texas)
$NATGAS Natural Gas
$GASO Unleaded Gas


Commodity ETFs

RJA Agriculture
DBA Agriculture
JJU Aluminum
IYM Basic Materials
UYM Basic Materials 2x long
SMN Basic Materials 2x short
BDD Base Metals 2x long
GRN Carbon
PBD Clean Energy, global
KOL Coal
NIB Cocoa
JJOFF Coffee
RJI Commodities
DBC Commodities
GSG Commodities
DJP Commodities, total return
UCD Commodities 2x long
CMD Commodities 2x short
COPX Copper
JJC Copper
BAL Cotton
DBE Energy
XLE Energy
IYE Energy
PGH Energy
PXI Energy
PVX Energy
VDE Energy
IXC Energy, global
ERX Energy 3x long
ERY Energy 3x short
PSCE S&P small cap energy
GLD Gold
IAU Gold
GLDX Gold Explorers
NUGT Gold Miners 3x long
DUST Gold Miners 3x short
GDX Gold Miners
UGL Gold 2x long
GLL Gold 2x short
DGP Gold 2x long
DZZ Gold 2x short
UGLDF Gold 3x long (ETN)
GDXJ Gold Juniors
JNUG Gold Junior Miners 3x long
JDST Gold Junior Miners 3x short
JJG Grains
UHN US Heating Oil
COW Liverstock
CUT Lumber

XLB Materials
MXI Materials, global
DBB Metals
XME Metals & Mining
UNG US Natural Gas
FCG Natural Gas
IGE Natural Resources
BOIL Natural Gas 2x long
KOLD Natural Gas 2x short
UGAZ Natural Gas 3x long (ETN)
DGAZ Natural Gas 3x short (ETN)
GASL Natural Gas Related 3x long
GASX Natural Gas Related 3x short
JJN Nickel
UGA US Gasoline
DIG Oil & Gas 2x long
DUG Oil & Gas 2x short
IEZ Oil Equipment & Services
XOP Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
IEO Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
GUSH Oil E&P 3x long
DRIP Oil E&P 3x short
DTO Oil 2x short
UCO Oil 2x long
SCO Oil 2x short
OIH Oil Services
PHYS Physical Gold
PALL Physical Palladium
PPLT Physical Platinum
PTM Platinum
DBP Precious Metals
GLTR Precious Metals
REMX Rare Earth/Strategic Metals
SLV Silver
DBS Silver
SIVR Silver
PSLV Physical Silver
AGQ Silver 2x long
ZSL Silver 2x short
USLVF Silver 3x long
SOYB Soybean
SLX Steel
URA Uranium
NLR Uranium+Nuclear Energy
CGW Water, Global
PHO Water Resources
WEAT Wheat


$XAD Austrlian Dollar
$XBP British Pound
$CDW Canadian Dollar
$XEU Euro
$XJY Japanese Yen
$XSF Swiss Franc
$USD US Dollar


Currency ETFs

FXA Australian Dollar
BZF Brazilian Real
FXB British Pound Sterling
FXC Canadian Dollar
CYB Chinese Yuan
CEW Emerging Currency
FXE Euro
ULE Euro 2x long
EUO Euro 2x short
INR Indian Rupee

FXY Japanese Yen
YCL Japanese Yen 2x long
YCS Japanese Yen 2x short
FXSG Singapore Dollar
FXS Swedish Krona
FXF Swiss Franc
UUP US Dollar long
UDN US Dollar short
UUPT US Dollar Futures 3x long
Fixed Income

$IRX 3-Month T-Bill Discount Rate
$FVX 5-Year Treasury Note Yield
$TNX 10-Year Treasury Note Yield
$USB 30-Year Treasury Bond Price
$TYX 30-Year T-Bond Yield


Fixed Income ETFs

BSV Short Term Bond
SHY 1-3 Year Treasury Bond Fund
IEI 3-7 Year Treasury Bond Fund
IEF 7-10 Year Treasury Bond
TYD 7-10 Year Treasury Bond 3x long
TYO 7-10 Year Treasury Bond 3x short
TLH 10-20 Treasury Bond
TMF 20 Year Treasury Bond 3x long
TMV 20 Year Treasury Bond 3x short
TLT 20+ Year Treasury Bond Fund
TYBS 20+ Year Treasury Bear
TBT 20+ Year Treasury Bond 2x short
LBND 25+ Year Treasury Bond 3x long
SBND 25+ Year Treasury Bond 3x short
ZROZ PIMCO 25+ Year Zero Coupon
TMV 20 Year Treasury Bond 3x short
AGG Aggregate Bond Fund
SPAB Aggregate Bond Fund
SPIB Intermediate Term Corporate Bond
TFI Municipal Bond
ELD Local Debt, Emerging Markets
SPLB Long Term Corporate Bond
SPTL Long Term Treasury
SPTS Short Term Treasury
MUB National Municipal Bond
BWX International Treasury Bond
LQD Investment Grade Corporate Bond
JNK Lehman High Yield Bond
HYG High Yield Corporate Bond
PHK High Income Fund (PIMCO)
PHIYX High Yield Fund (PIMCO)
TIP TIPS Bond Fund
SAGG Total Bond Market Bear
EMB Emerging Markets Bond Fund
EMLC Emerging Markets Local Currency
SPSB Short Term Corporate Bond
BND Total Bond Market

Volatility ETFs

VXX S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures long
VIXY VIX Short Term Futures
VXZ S&P 500 VIX Medium Term Futures
UVXY Ultra VIX Short Term Futures